It has been suggested that we should still be collecting money for the
preservation of the environment. My own view on the matter is that;
a) I was quite surprised at the amount of money we
collected for Greenpeace from our little corner of the world,
b) Rather than spending money on 'charity organisations ' (We had our own direct cause
here) and all the bureaucracy that supports, (Did
you know that any charity was only obliged to spend 5% of the monies it
collects on the cause itself, 95% tends to go towards the infrastructure and
bureaucracy - that 5% has now been removed!) we suggest that monies should go in to direct action.
i.e. if we want to save the rainforest, lets buy it. Buy it and leave
it alone, for our grandchildren to still have a set of lungs for the planet.
If you would like to know why, we stopped collecting funds
for GreenPeace please see here.
If you have an interest in 'saving the planet' and would
be willing to support that interest financially, either with cash or a
promise of funds after your demise, please do so directly, just buy a bit
of rainforest and leave it alone.